Fabrice Lapierre

Dual Olympian, Multiple Gold Medalist, World Champion

Serving Scottsdale AZ, Success has followed Fabrice every step of the way ever since leaving his hometown of Sydney, Australia for the USA on a Track and Field College Scholarship to Texas A&M University. He would go on to win numerous Conference Championships and be the NCAA champion in the Long Jump. Known for getting some serious Air and having one of the longest jumps ever recorded at 28'10" (8.78m) Fabrice went on to have a successful Professional Career and competed at Multiple Olympic Games, World Championships and Commonwealth Games, winning a total of 5 medals.

Fabrice’s Experience in the Long Jump, an event heavily dependent on Speed/ Acceleration and having Strong Powerful glute’s, legs and a tight core have helped him become an expert on the exercises, athletic training and programming needed to get results you are looking for.

Fabrice is passionate about getting results and helping transform people to live their best life!